09 Oct 2024
09 Oct 2024
Twice a year, 37signals brings the entire team together for a company meet-up. In this week’s episode of The REWORK Podcast, co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson reflect on how these meet-ups began and how they've evolved over time. They also discuss how they prepare for the meet-ups and the importance of the venue selection.
Key Takeaways:
- 00:50 - Jason shares the early history of 37signals' meet-ups
- 02:18 - Why in-person conferences build deeper connections than online meetings
- 06:57 - How the location and architecture of meeting spaces can elevate the experience
- 15:30 - Weighing the financial cost of a meet-up against the value it delivers
- 18:48 - Memories from the company's Atlanta gathering
- 22:17 - An inside look at the meet-up agenda
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